Do you respect wood?

Bloodwood: Bloodwood is an exotic wood that is sometimes referred to as cardinal wood, for its obvious beautiful deep rose color. With age it's color does darken, but not significantly. The wood is very dense, with a tight fine, mostly linear grain.
Bubinga: Bubinga is an exotic wood from Central Africa. It is initially pinky-red, but darkens with age.
Canarywood: Canarywood is an exotic wood that is yellow to orange in color, typically variegated with light to dark red streaking. It has a medium to high luster. It can be some what variable in density, it is mostly a hard, heavy and strong wood. An exceptional exotic wood from Africa.
Chechen: Chechen is an exotic Mexican wood with a wide range of color variation from dark chocolate to light butterscotch colors. Chechen has an irregular grain pattern, and coupled with the color variety it makes fantastic finished pieces. Chechen is also hard and dense, which allows the wood to polish to a high sheen without effort.
Gaboon Ebony: Gaboon Ebony is an exotic wood native to Western Africa. It is an extremely hard, dense, and heavy wood, with a very fine texture. The sapwood is pink to pale red-brown in color, while the heartwood is a uniform jet-black or black-brown streaked.
Maple: In the North, during the cold nights and warm days of late winter, the sugar maple is tapped for its sucrose-containing sap, the source of maple syrup. Until the turn of the century, the heels of women's shoes were made from maple. Maple has been a favorite of American furniture makers since early Colonial days.
Olivewood: African Olivewood is an exotic wood that is native to Africa and has a sentimental and religious significance to several cultures and religions. The wood is hard and strong, and has fantastic working characteristics, making it a favorite for wood turning and carving. It finishes very smoothly, to a high polish.
Osage Orange (Argentine): Osage Orange (Argentine) is an exotic wood from South America that is very dense. It finishes extremely well to a high polish.
Pink Ivory: Pink Ivory is an exotic wood native to Southern Africa, and is one of the most rare and beautiful woods in the world. It is a very hard wood, strong and stiff, with a fine texture. It finishes extremely well to a high polish.
Zebrawood: Zebrawood is an exotic wood native to the Western African countries of Cameroon and Gabon. It is a hard wood, with a medium to coarse texture. The Zebra-like appearance is due to the light colored sapwood in contrast with the dark colored grain.